We all know that everything that has a beginning must surely have an end. Therefore, because the “Safe Impact” executives led by myself *James Lucky* had a beginning, it must surely have an end which happens to be today which I have waited for and I am happy the day has finally arrived.
By God’s grace, this administration was officially inaugurated on 26th of August 2022 under the Leadership of the Provost, Mrs. Oluwaniyi with high expectations from we the elected executives to deliver on our various offices as stated in our campaign promises. However, I must emphasize here that the journey so far has not been easy as we encountered so many challenges particularly my office and that had a very strong effect on this administration that is ending today.
I am not unaware that students expressed their disappointments in the Students’ Union Government for her inability to deliver maximally in her promises but then, I urge all not to always be quick to throw stones at the leader without any attempt to know why things are the way they are. There is obviously more that meets the eye and there are reasons for every result obtained in leadership either positive or negative. Hence, whatever we produced as a result in office is a pure description of what we were surrounded by.
I feel very sad each time I remember the state of the union because, a better Nigeria stems from the foundation laid at the lower levels of leadership in which the Students Union Government of this great citadel of learning is one. My experience as the president of this outgoing executives has thought me that the union needs revival which can only happen with all hands on deck towards doing the right thing at all times. Just like Pat Utomi said, there is a lapse of leadership across all strata of the society and this was a typical description of what I experienced.
Frankly speaking, the school management has a lot of role to play in the growth of Students Unionism as they hold the key to her progress. On this note, I want to appreciate the Students Affairs Officer for her motherly role all through my tenure as the president of this great union. Although, I must confess that so many things played out during this administration which I perceived to be a sabotage to her name owing to the fact that some decisions made by the school management wasn’t to promote or protect the students generally but to handicap the voices of the students from being heard which I am sure the Provost isn’t a party to because she always has the interest of students at heart.
It is no gainsaying that finance is one of the requirements to fulfillment of promises. The union is a body that totally depends on her internally generated revenue and as such depends on these revenues to carry out her functions. However, I must say that this hasn’t been the case as the school management is totally in charge of the union’s internal generating revenue and by extension, the revenue generated. Often times, the union as a body go through a lot to get financing from the school management as regards her projects and sometimes, our papers will not be signed which automatically signifies that the proposed project can not materialize. We also had cases where our papers as a union won’t be read or attended to by the concerned persons weeks after the deadline had passed and sometimes, our proposals usually go missing in the process of getting it approved. These are some of the challenges we faced in office particularly myself and that contributed to the result you see today.
I therefore use this medium to plead with the school management to please take the affairs of the students Union more seriously and as a matter of priority ensure that things are put in order to give room for students to excel in their leadership roles at the students Union level.
I really want to appreciate all students of this Institution for continuous support even during my trying and difficulty times as the president of the Union. For those who supported me from my very first day in office till today, those that gave up on me along the way, those that didn’t believe in me at all, those that criticized me and those that sent their words of encouragement, I celebrate you all and I pray God blesses you all. You have in one way or the other made me better than I was when I started this leadership race and I am grateful for that.
I must however mention that in spite of our challenges in office, we still ensured that the interest of the entire FTC LAGOS students were prioritized over personal profits and as such, our voice as a union wasn’t lost because we stood our grounds and ensured that FTC Lagos students are prioritized. One evidence of this move is the move for the reduction of school fees.
Also, the Skill acquisition program and entrepreneurial development organized by the Provost.
I would have loved to continue to talk about so many things but for the sake of time, I have compiled the entire chemistry of my journey as a student leader in my new book titled “THE EXPEDITION”… A book that shares my experiences and the challenges that comes with leading. So, I advise anyone and everyone to read and learn from my mistakes so as not to make mistakes.
I will not forget to appreciate my team for their support. You guys did well in your various capacities. For the breakthroughs we achieved together all for betterment of our dear students I say “Thank You”. Even if we have no capital projects to show, we worked tirelessly to ensure that we made impact and successfully made the FTC LAGOS students understand that they are “Intellectuals”. The sky shall be our launching pad. Please let’s keep soaring.
On this note, I want to wish the new elected executives a safe drive down the tenure. I pray that God gives you the grace to deliver.
God bless the SUG/SRC/AMB
God bless FTC Lagos,
God bless Nigeria.
 By James Lucky (2022/2023 SUG PRESIDENT)